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Music & Videos


Original Music

Christine De Chavez and Celeste Lero singing "Something Better" at the Las Vegas Composers Showcase at the Smith Center 5/16/12

Christine De Chavez and Celeste Lero singing "Lazy White Children" at the Las Vegas Composers Showcase at the Smith Center 5/16/12

The infamous "Lazy White Children" video, shot in Nov 2011 with Christine De Chavez and Celeste Lero, and Angela Chan at the piano

"Lazy White Children"

Vocals: Christine De Chavez & Celeste Lero

Piano: Angela Chan

"Little Miss 1986"

Vocals: Celeste Lero

Piano: Angela Chan

"Something Better"

Vocals: Christine De Chavez & Celeste Lero

Piano: Angela Chan

"Letting Go"

Vocals: Satomi Hofmann

Piano: Angela Chan

Artwork by Bill Selby

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